They seize Stormy Daniels documents, and bank records!Per CNN:
According to a source familiar with the matter told CNN that included in the documents authorities seized was information related to Stephanie Clifford, better known as porn actress Stormy Daniels, who alleges she had an affair with Trump in 2006 that the White House has denied.
A source familiar with the matter said the search warrant was very broad in terms of items sought, and another source said the search included bank records.
A White House official said that the pervert had been watching TV reports of the FBI raiding Cohen's office, and that he knew about the raid before the news broke.
Let's party!
Uh oh. Party time...woohoo.....this is some serious sh__t.
Bad stuff happening all over this week and it's only Monday.
And he had the nerve to say that a LAWFUL raid on his lawyers' office by the FBI
was a "disgraceful situation" and "an attack on our country." "It's an attack on what we all stand for."
His lawyer is a crook....that covers for a bigger crook!!!
Our country is fine.....LOCK THEM UP!...Our country will be even better
And they believe that this is part of the Mueller investigation. It isn't.....Stormy days
Spunky wrote:
A White House official said that the pervert had been watching TV reports of the FBI raiding Cohen's office, and that he knew about the raid before the news broke.
But once again he lied and said that he found out at the same time we did!
I am so happy with all this now, I can't even find the words...
I think that because it is highly likely that laws were broken, the lawyer client confidentiality agreement is off. I ma crossing my fingers that this is the beginning of the end for Trump.
Just like the mafia! He still thinks he can get away with anything he does, he's been doing for so long. It's time to flush.
I saw on the news that Comey (not one of my favorite people, since he helped him get in there) also said that about him....."he thinks he's a MOB boss"
this is still my favorite Michael Cohen moment.