Any opinions on the ending of the show? Like? Dislike?
How about the new spin-off show from Grey's?
And how about Grey's story line?
Scandal is still on my dvr...will watch this weekend.
I didn't know there was a spinoff for Greys anatomy???
NE...where are you....tell me about this new show....PLEASE!
I have only the finale left to watch for Scandal. I watched the episode before it. I thought that was actually good, but I think I am in the minority. I know how it ends. Spoilers and Internets and such. LOL
I would love to know what Shonda was planning before Michelle had her portrait hung and the little girl looking at it became viral. From what I understand, nothing is definitely answered, so that makes sense. I will watch it soon.
I was going to start the seven seconds show while I am sick but then I read that it wasn't renewed, so does it end on a cliffhanger? Cause if so, I ain't watching it
And I'm 2 episodes or so behind on Greys so I don't know which story line you are referring to. How are they going to kill April ? LOL or Arizona? (Both actresses are done now with that show)
And I don't like fire shows, so I don't watch Station 19.
Ok.. I just watched the episode of Greys called Beautiful Dreamer, where I guess they alluded to Harper Avery having NDA's so he did something wrong. My guess is sexual harassment. I could be wrong LOL
So, now I'm only 2 episodes behind
AND I watched the 2 episodes of This us Us where Jack dies / super bowl. Personally, I thought the episode pre death day was better done than the actual death episode. But I hate fire (as in phobic) so I wasn't even going to watch it. But I figured I'm already miserable, so go big LOL
Still have such admiration for the writing and acting on this show.
Ok...I'll wait til you guys catch up. NE....what do you mean by Michelle portrait hung and the little girl looking at it became viral?
Think it influenced the ending of this show?
I can't get into the fire show spin off.