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7/23/2018 8:13 am  #1

Tweeting us into another conflict?

The Associated Press is reporting that trump and Iran are engaged in a war of words with each other.  The Iranian President remarked, "America must understand well that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and war with Iran is the mother of all wars."  trump tweeted in all caps:  "NEVER EVER THREATEN THE U.S. AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKE OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE."  Don't you feel so secure with head in charge.  trump's looking for support from our allies dealing with this!   Look for gas prices to rise even further if trump escalates this.


7/23/2018 10:06 am  #2

Re: Tweeting us into another conflict?

Next is a call for a one-on-one private “summit” with Iran and then an announcement that he’s fixed everything. It’s beginning to play on a loop.

He's so frustrated and scared....because everything is going wrong...he's stupid and can't do anything right!


7/23/2018 3:35 pm  #3

Re: Tweeting us into another conflict?

lashing out in all directions as the fallout from his summit with Vladimir Putin becomes ever more toxic, the Russia investigation grinds on with no end in sight, and his frustration boils over on a lack of progress on North Korea.

Yeah the pervert is deranged....totally a nut case.....thinks everyone is against him.....and he may be right about that......


7/23/2018 7:37 pm  #4

Re: Tweeting us into another conflict?

What does Putin have on head? It's not just peepee tapes. His followers wouldn't care about that.


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