Most State Department staff weren't allowed to travel for work, or even use their work phones because of the shutdown, but guess who gets to travel on our dime? Mike Pompeo's wife, Susan. Unpaid staffers had to prepare and support her across the Middle East. The excuse given for her being along on the trip: "she joined him to try to help the department be better." Two sources said a staffer and security supplied for Susan took her to a local market and shopping, which also caused them to be 35 minutes late departing for their next stop. Also heard Melania took a military jet to Florida on Thursday so she could vacation with the rich and famous. Cancel trips for the Democrats that are actually needed for the security of this country, but let the wives of these "fat cats" do whatever they want and spend money like it grows on trees. The entitled. The republicans are still complaining about any traveling the Obama's did, but surprise, surprise, no problem here.
These people are all crooks and think they are entitled to do what they want with our tax dollars!!
Get rid of all of them...beginning with the biggest crook....the pervert!
the only way to cahnge this is to put pressure on the people in Congress. And vote them in/out.