Two long-term White House security specialists rejected Jared Kushner's application for a security clearance. trump's appointed head of personnel, Carl Kline, overrode their findings and approved Kushner's application. The Democratic controlled House Oversight Committee is launching an investigation into how this White House has handled security clearances for trump's friends and family against security expert's recommendations. Kushner wasn't the only one who raised red flags among security officials, he was one of 30 cases in which Kline overruled career security experts. Kushner has been prevented from getting an SCI clearance, which is clearance for "sensitive compartmented information," because the CIA is responsible for those clearances. I thought this country had laws that the White House had to follow, apparently not, trump has his own set and can do whatever he wants to, with the blessing of the republican party. Laws only apply to Democrats.
Looking forward to Jared and the rest of family getting indicted.
I agree...I want them ALL out of the White house....and led out in handcuffs!!
They are garbage and disgusting people beginning with the head pervert
Carl Kline, the White House official who overruled the career specialists’ recommendation against Kushner, also approved at least thirty other cases that were initially rejected because of “unfavorable information.”
Having 30 Trump officials with top-secret security clearance who shouldn't have access to such sensitive, classified information isn't just concerning. It's downright dangerous.
These security clearances should be revoked—starting with Jared Kushner. Protecting classified information is critical to the well-being and integrity of the United States. We cannot trust that our nation's secrets are safe with Kushner.