America should listen. FBI agents are trained to identify and mitigate threats. McCabe's new book suggests he had identified just such a potential threat — in the Oval Office.
Andrew McCabe served as the acting director of the FBIin the three-month aftermath of President Donald Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey. Excerpts from his book, “The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump,” set for release on February 19, provide disturbing new insights into how and why we find ourselves in a full-blownspecial counsel investigation of our president, his inner circle and their contacts with Russian representatives.
Spoiler alert: The book’s title — which compresses the words “threat,” “terror” and “Trump” into one breath — is a clue.
I believe him!..I have seen a few clips of his interviews today...and he seems VERY credible
We all know that the pervert is VERY much in love with KGB Putin and his cohorts ....even more so than our own country
Yes, very serious. The people around DT could see how off-center he is.....psychotic? He is very unhealthy for anyone around him and he has put our country in dire straits. It's been hard to pull the USA up from bad times when Obama took over. This dude has set us back so far and we are in serious trouble. I hope Mueller can save us from this madman.