Does that woman not know when to shut up????? Sunny was trying to explain why the dems voted against the bill regarding live birth frustrating to hear her talk over Sunny. she continued to call the dems the party of infanticide.....come on!
Meghan is a dangerous Republican like the rest of them. Her father was a decent man but he voted on the conservative side. He didn't really do much for the less fortunate and M is just like him. She talks a good game and is very convincing but she is a selfish brat. Joy gave Sonny the opportunity to rebut which probably pissed M off. I didn't see the whole show but just that part.
She's really working it.....she wants her own show or something else..... Watch how she is pandering to the audience now whenever she gets a laugh. At the top of the show, she talks over Joy by picking someone out of the audience to jab back and forth with....she's pretty obvious. She's small potatoes.
I was happy to know that Joy gave Sunny the opportunity to state facts and not feelings. Joy has very little patience with Meghan and her hissy fits. Whoopie isn't there to coddle Meghan because she's out sick this week. Joy has a shorter fuse and I understand her frustration.
Totally agree, Clean.
I’m worried about Whoopi. Pneumonia doesn’t take this long.
zeke wrote:
Totally agree, Clean.
I’m worried about Whoopi. Pneumonia doesn’t take this long.
Maybe she just needs a really long break.
My husband's cousin had pneumonia and it took him a year to recover. It probably depends on what kind, isn't there viral and bacterial? Weirdly, after the cousin recovered, he committed suicide.
Gee....sorry teluog, that's awful.
I hope you're right about Whoopi. Really miss her....