when will she grow up?? today, she actually said she missed Whoopi, apparently because Whoppi lets her rant and Joy doesn't. Once again she was pouting and carrying on because Joy said people misunderstood "Socialism." Meghan wanted make sure we all know that she understands it because she's very intelligent and a political analyst. Joy tried to explain that she wasn't referring to Meghan but Meghan just wanted to interrupt her and pout and be the victim.
Joy is right, people.....Americans specifically misunderstand what socialism is. It's not communism Meghan so please take a breath and chill. She always becomes hostile towards Joy in situations like this. Whoopie lets her get away with so much.....Joy has a shorter fuse which quite frankly I find necessary as Meghan likes to throw hissy fits. Please note how calm Ana was during this heated exchange. She would be perfect for the show.
Socialism and Communism are scary words in most countries. Republicans are pushing the term Socialism to add to the confusion and gain support for Conservative candidates. Meghan knows the difference....she's not the smartest but she knows the difference. She's pushing for her side. She's getting more and more applause here of late because she is "working it". Joy gives her push-back and I thank our lucky stars that she's on the panel to do it.
Whoopi......please do more to lessen Meghan's control over conversations. She's pushing for her own show or political office at some point in her life. She's only in her 30s. I think she would be terrible in public office because she is so entitled and spoiled that she could never understand the plight of the working class. NEVER.
suddenly the Republicans have latched onto the word Socialism because they know they can get a reaction by using it. It's become their new buzzword.
cossysmom wrote:
suddenly the Republicans have latched onto the word Socialism because they know they can get a reaction by using it. It's become their new buzzword.
Yes. Joy addressed that in the past. She said that conservatives will use that word to scare people.
Just watched the show. Meghan is a big baby. She hates that Joy is in charge. Jealous. I think Whoopi can’t come back while that little trouble-maker is there. Meghan plays badly.