It is being reported that it happened in a San Diego-area synagogue
Three people are injured and a fourth has died!!...
A man has been detained for questioning after reports of the shooting at the synagogue in the California city of Poway, according to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department's Twitter account on Saturday.
Poway Mayor Steve Vaus said the congregation was targeted by "someone with hate in their heart ... towards our Jewish community and that just will not stand."
It's all over the country.
I know that prior to this presidency there was a lot of hate that was under the surface. This president has made it ok to hate. but I'm beginning to wonder...which is better? Of course the bombings, arson, and attacks are uncalled for, but are we better when we hide the hate or is it better to know it's there? This all makes me so sad and I fear for our country, our government, and our standing in the world.
I think it's better to show respect to others. When I was growing up people used to say the difference between the north and south was that northerners hid their racism and southerners put it right out there. Northerners said I'd rather be respected falsely and southerners said I'd rather know what's the face.
(No disrespect meant to either)
I don't know the answer but it's astonishing to me that people are so against talking about it. If there is no discussion there will be no solution....or at least the beginnings of a solution.
I do know that this country is in a very bad place right now and we'd better find a way out. It can get worse.
Maybe grandmothers of the country need to take the lead. March around the country until the madness stops?