Republicans love "don the con," his campaign raised $1 million after Pelosi announced the formal impeachment inquiry. The more he does the more they admire him. The self-proclaimed patriots, God loving, flag waiving republicans love the fact their "chosen one" breaks the law, thumbs his nose at the Constitution and makes us the banana republic we've become. They care more for a flash-in-pan, reality TV star than their own country. trump uses our country to benefit trump, and they can't show their love and respect fast enough. Who knew forty percent of the people in this country were so corrupt.
teluog wrote:
Republicans love "don the con," his campaign raised $1 million after Pelosi announced the formal impeachment inquiry. The more he does the more they admire him. The self-proclaimed patriots, God loving, flag waiving republicans love the fact their "chosen one" breaks the law, thumbs his nose at the Constitution and makes us the banana republic we've become. They care more for a flash-in-pan, reality TV star than their own country. trump uses our country to benefit trump, and they can't show their love and respect fast enough. Who knew forty percent of the people in this country were so corrupt.
They are not patriots....they are idiots, that are easily made fools of.....and he laughs behind their backs..