It's being reported that there's another trump named Robert! Guess who received a $33m contract from the US Marshall's Service? CertiPath, which is owned in part by a firm linked to trump's brother, Robert trump. A rival bidder has filed a complaint with the Justice Dept. President and founder of CertiPath, Jeff Nigriny, said in a statement: "Robert trump is one investor in an entity which holds a minority interest in CertiPath. Another company, NMR Consulting, is also filing a protest. A "stop work order" has been placed on the contract. He has a sister who is a judge, or was, I think there was something shady going on with her also. They're like slugs, when you pick up a rock, more crawl out.
Indeed. They're like leeches.
Gypsies, tramps and thieves....that's what they are