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12/12/2019 6:54 pm  #1

Space cadet Lara trump

Lara trump, dimwit's daughter-in-law, tweeted that trump is "fighting for all Americans and animals too!"  It seems she's proud of the fact he signed 'The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act.'  She included a cartoon of trump as a super hero with the caption "Join President Trump in his fight against animal cruelty."  She didn't include any pictures of her husband and brother-in-law with any of the exotic and endangered animals they hunt down and kill, in their controlled hunts.  What is wrong with this family, are they all on drugs or just so da_n stupid they don't know what makes someone the world's biggest hypocrite?  The zombies think these people are smart, our country is in the hands of these idiots.          


12/13/2019 6:56 am  #2

Re: Space cadet Lara trump

My guess is that all the Botox Lara has had injected into her face has gone to her brain.


12/13/2019 5:52 pm  #3

Re: Space cadet Lara trump

Lol. The trumps know how to exploit their followers. They are experts at doing that and the followers fall for it full force.


12/13/2019 6:40 pm  #4

Re: Space cadet Lara trump

Cleanspoons wrote:

My guess is that all the Botox Lara has had injected into her face has gone to her brain.

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