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12/11/2019 11:55 am  #1

Nanny McFee

Last night I started watching this movie. I had never seen it before and it was so late I couldn't finish it. But I'll find it and watch it in its entirety. It will, along with Polar Express, Christmas Story, all Scrooge movies, the old Miracle on 34th Street, It's a Wonderful Life, and more, I'm sure.'s great!
What's your favorite seasonal movie?


12/12/2019 8:04 pm  #2

Re: Nanny McFee

"Funny Farm" with Chevy Chase, love the movie and the house they buy in the country.  The other movie we really like, although it's not a Christmas movie, is "Return to Me" with Minnie Driver.  Two of my favorite movies.  


12/16/2019 5:23 pm  #3

Re: Nanny McFee

Love Minnie Driver.

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