I hate getting my boob smashed in that thing. I had one today. Seems primitive, no? I mean I’m happy we have it but if it was a man getting his thingy smashed I bet we’d have something better by now. Think?
It is very uncomfortable, and you're right about the "man" part!!!
It's certainly not the most comfortable thing......still it's important to get mammograms regularly.
I keep putting off scheduling mine. Thanks for the reminder!
Go ahead and schedule cossy. I had the big C. Stage zero. They got it. No chemo or radiation.
I was mostly scared for my daughters. I’m ok now but it was a lesson learned.
I'm calling on monday!
zeke, if you don't mind my asking? Was it the mammogram that picked it up, I've heard they aren't really the best tool for finding things when their small?
Yes, the mammo picked it up....then they do a sonogram...then they scare the out of you. Then you listen to options and make decisions.
Once the reality hit, I remember walking up and down the hallway at home, forgetting why I was in each room I entered. It was a small freak out.
Aging.....things really do wear out. I am always trying to eat good food and stretch, stretch, stretch. Makes me feel better but it only puts off the inevitable. Live it up in life because it doesn't last forever. Another thing recommended by Eckert Tolle (my love).....always consider the future....think ten years ahead and what you will be doing then. You'll live to 100.
I've had a few scares myself, also had the follow-up sonogram a couple of times, never actually found anything in the long run. Isn't life grand, and what's this about the "golden years?" Good to hear the mammograms work so well and things worked out well for you!
Thanks, teluog. Once one has been diagnosed the mammos are a lot more frequent.'s are on my mind......
Last edited by zeke (1/13/2020 2:20 pm)
I went today!