Another good show...
Washington state Gov Jay Inslee was on....very smart, nice man
I liked it except for when Sunny showed her cat chasing a field mouse IN her house...ewwww
Did anyone watch it today?
I saw the part with the mouse and stopped watching.
In NY the show comes on at 11am and Cuomo cuts in at 11:30am like clockwork.
The mouse didn't bother me. For years, I was plagued by mice in the house until I finally figured out how they were getting in. I even had a cat...didn't help much. They are a pain, and she needs to get rid of them. Snap traps are the most humane, but my mice figure out they needed to stay away from them so I resorted to poison. Like Sunny, I hated to do it, but you have to. If you have two mice, you have a hundred!