Most of the rallies and marches appear to be a mix of blacks and whites. That's good. Many are whole families. Older people, maybe ex-marchers from the 60s and lots of younger people. In fact I went to one in Bedford Village, NY where most residents are very affluent with a low number of black families. It was organized by a young black woman and there were tons of young people carrying signs..... "I can't breathe" "1619" named for the August 2019 NYT article about slavery, and one sign said "If you are a racist, go F yourself".
It was refreshing to see the young ones and their parents supporting them. Way to go. Maybe the spirit will hang around and we can get that idiot out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. (Wow. The Bedford Village crowd numbered about 1600 people. I just saw that...1600 people/1600 Penn Ave) Hmmmmmm....
Pray DT will not get away with cheating ever again!!