While standing in close contact, without a mask, alongside trump supporters, Rudy Ghouliani said that "People don't die from Corona-virus anymore. Young people don't die at all. Middle-aged people die very little. And even elderly people have a 1% chance of dying." 215,000+ dead, they don't matter to trump and his degenerates.
You're right they don't matter to them, all those lives lost....
rump and the rest of them are all degenerates as you well put it !!
But their day is coming, that's also what Herman Cain thought and look at what happened to him...
BTW...I love the way you wrote his name (Ghouliani)...besides being a ghoul, he's also an idiot!
Last edited by Spunky (10/15/2020 3:51 pm)
Lol. Rudy looks like one of the characters on the Munsters. Or is it the Adams Family?
Last edited by zeke (10/15/2020 7:28 pm)
He's so creepy looking and cray cray!