The Big Baby in Chief is crying foul already and wants the vote counting to stop. He is really running scared. But some Republicans are finally stepping up and speaking out--they want all the votes to be counted. Even Mitch McConnell says all the votes should be counted!
He needs to stop. It's downright embarrassing. God, have some humility......
They are finally disagreeing with him??! I don't trust the whole lot of them.....they are all cheaters and LIARS....
zeke....the rump has no humility....he only wants to win....for himself.....and I can't wait until he's gone....preferably to a jail cell.....
I think that privately a lot of Republicans dislike Trump and his infantile behaviour. People have questioned how they haven't been able to rein him in, but I don't think anyone could have. I believe they decided to just let him implode. Now Rubio and McConnell among others are saying all the votes need to be that says something.