To me it’s pretty clear how Trump won in 2016. He’s telling us by his behavior that he and his people committed mail fraud. Does anyone ever remember mail in ballots being an issue like this before? He’s such a criminal. I hope he's history, just wishing he would take Graham and McConnel with him when he leaves.
I always believed that he STOLE the election from Hillary, with the help of Russia....
And you're right, he is a CRIMINAL!!!
I want him out of OUR White HOUSE, ASAP!!!
I really can't see him finishing his term, but he could use it to get back at everyone he thinks wronged him, (or like someone who knows him well said) he'll make a deal with Pence, he'll quit and Pence will pardon him. It won't help him with any State charges though.
teluog wrote:
I really can't see him finishing his term, but he could use it to get back at everyone he thinks wronged him, (or like someone who knows him well said) he'll make a deal with Pence, he'll quit and Pence will pardon him. It won't help him with any State charges though.
He will try to get back at anyone who wronged him. He's a petty little man baby. Now, for the love of God, someone please take away that briefcase from know,the one with the nuclear codes.