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11/17/2020 8:05 am  #1

Republicans still trying to keep our votes from counting

Georgia's Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, said that Senator Lindsey Graham asked him about tossing legally cast ballots.  Graham's denying it, but we know how truthful he is, right?  Raffensperger and his wife have been getting death threats over the last few days.  This country is becoming a sewer thanks to dimwit and his enablers.  


11/17/2020 11:24 am  #2

Re: Republicans still trying to keep our votes from counting

How do we get better after DT is gone? It's going to take work from all of us to get back to some level of normalcy.


11/17/2020 12:24 pm  #3

Re: Republicans still trying to keep our votes from counting

Lindsay Graham belongs in the sewer along with the dimwit rump!!

Horrible that Georgia's Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger and his family are getting death threats!!


11/17/2020 4:47 pm  #4

Re: Republicans still trying to keep our votes from counting

Graham also acknowledged on Tuesday that his efforts to probe state officials went beyond Georgia into two other states where Democratic President-elect Joe Biden also won, while the rump sought to discredit the result of the election.

Graham, who is a top rump ally, defended his outreach to officials in Arizona, Nevada and Georgia as an attempt to learn how these states validate signatures on mail-in ballots, arguing it was part of his effort to determine whether any changes needed to be made.

He's finally admitted what he did....what an ass he is.....just like the rump!!!


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