Election denial, born of former President Donald rump’s petulant insistence that he had actually won a race that he clearly lost, is one of the most harmful legacies of his tenure.
Now its most visible proponent, Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, has come up short
in her election bid.
(Double...Good riddance to her)
Election denial may not quite be in America’s rear view mirror, but it is unlikely to be the go-to play for Republican politicians that it was in this campaign.
In the end, it failed to be a winning strategy. And that means that free and fair elections remain the foundation of a still-viable American democracy.
Last edited by Spunky (11/16/2022 7:19 pm)
I could not believe my ears when I heard Kari tell her supporters that she really took a stab at John McCain……what a deplorable woman she is to attack an American war hero….no wonder people call her Trump in heels.
Last edited by Cleanspoons (11/17/2022 6:48 am)
Bye.....but she's not disappearing. She's another .......uh, that one from Alaska. I really can't remember her name! People like that need attention.
zeke wrote:
Bye.....but she's not disappearing. She's another .......uh, that one from Alaska. I really can't remember her name! People like that need attention.
What’s so frightening to me is that unlike Lauren Boebert and Margery Tayler Green is that she’s camera ready, poised and articulate. If she were to run as Trump’s running mate she might sway people who are on the fence about those 2 ignorant women.
Right...........the Dems have to outnumber Repub voters at the polls....that's the answer. Keep the younger people engaged in voting. The younger ones came out this time as they did for Obama but they must learn the value of consistent engagement at the polls.
We also have to continue to educate our children and stop banning books that keep people aware of historical facts. Reading and knowing the facts is essential. Isn't that how we learn how not to repeat mistakes?
She is disgusting! Taking Arizona was awesome!
Teachesk wrote:
She is disgusting! Taking Arizona was awesome!
I’m happy for the people of Arizona.