I am listening to his comments right now. I am ok with his decision. I was worried about the votes being split between him and Hillary allowing Sanders to move into the lead. I like Biden but wasn't sure if it was good idea for him to jump in at this point. I think Hillary has a sound lead over everyone and will win the general election.
I never thought he was going to. Neither did any of my friends that are knowledgeable about politics. I think mostly it was Republicans that were hoping for a dirty race between him and Hillary.
Probably so. I think they (republicans) were hoping for Bernie to have chance to win the nomination. They know they cannot beat Hillary.
needtosay wrote:
Probably so. I think they (republicans) were hoping for Bernie to have chance to win the nomination. They know they cannot beat Hillary.
I think if the Republicans had a nominee who radiated appeal to a wide range of voters they may very well win a general election. There are a lot of "moderate liberals" who would like to back off the high speed progressiveness of today. But so far, it would seem that the Republicans are going with Trump, which will, once again, make a decision in the voting booth very difficult. Who is the less scary? Hold your nose and vote.
I agree need. I had my fingers crossed he would decide against running. I do like Joe Biden but it made no sense to join the running at this point.
I think it must be so stressful for a candidate & his family to run a campaign for Presidency. So much negative energy out there!
Felt sad to hear him speak...He's been through so much trajedy in his life. I agree that he and his family need time to heal and grieve.
Last edited by Spunky (10/21/2015 11:55 am)
retiredfa wrote:
needtosay wrote:
Probably so. I think they (republicans) were hoping for Bernie to have chance to win the nomination. They know they cannot beat Hillary.
I think if the Republicans had a nominee who radiated appeal to a wide range of voters they may very well win a general election. There are a lot of "moderate liberals" who would like to back off the high speed progressiveness of today. But so far, it would seem that the Republicans are going with Trump, which will, once again, make a decision in the voting booth very difficult. Who is the less scary? Hold your nose and vote.
You know I really think the repubicans do have candidates that could beat Hillary but they don't seem to be favored in the party. They are going to choose to elect someone who has no chance of winning the general election.
I agree Need, there are candidates that could win over Hillary. But both parties are being held hostage by the edge clingers. And a third party candidate would probably just mess the entire thing up, sad to say.
He sounded like he was prepared to run by his speech, but something happened on the way to the podium. Anyway, Hillary must be doing cartwheels.
BTW, wonder how much was deposited in Uncle Joe's Swiss bank account?
I have nothing but the utmost respect for him. I am sure he made the right decision for himself and his family.
There doesn't seem to be any debate left on the Democratic side now. Barring any unforseen catastrophe, Hillary is the nominee.
I am fervently hoping it will be Trump vs Clinton.
Me too Shiny on both things. I am so looking forward to after the primaries when the whole dynamic changes for Donald Trump. We dems are not so easy a sell as many repubicans and his bloviating will not work with us. It going to be fun seeing how Trump handles it when he isn't the front runner anymore.
needtosay wrote:
Me too Shiny on both things. I am so looking forward to after the primaries when the whole dynamic changes for Donald Trump. We dems are not so easy a sell as many repubicans and his bloviating will not work with us. It going to be fun seeing how Trump handles it when he isn't the front runner anymore.
This is exactly what I'm looking forward to. Trump's "straight talk" without substance is not going to gain him any traction in a national election.
I don"t understand the conspiracy theories. He never said he was going to run and he has not led any polls. I have not ruled out a Clinton/Bidon ticket ..
I need to get off my tablet to post easier.
Iwanttodance2 wrote:
I don"t understand the conspiracy theories. He never said he was going to run and he has not led any polls. I have not ruled out a Clinton/Bidon ticket ..
I need to get off my tablet to post easier.
I leave the conspiracies to the foil hat nuts.
I wonder how the relationship between Hillary and Joe really is. He took a few swipes at her in the last few days. I don't know what demographic Biden would pull that she isn't already getting.
It is not so much the pulling as not hurting her.
I guess I was concerned that if Biden jumped into the race many of those who support Hillary right now would jump over to biden. It was just something that was at the back of my mind. The democratic male vote comes readily to mind. I don't think the poll accurately showed how much support he would have. I think it would change if he were officially in the race. I think many people didn't bother selecting him on polls simply because he wasn't an official candidate. I know for myself it would be really hard decision to choose between Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.
the demographic Joe would get is the true middle class-a Clinton Biden ticket would be kinda cool-his warm and fuzzies could offset her harshness. Dude is all kinds of sad now
Are there no term limits for vice presidents? He has already served two terms as vice president.
needtosay wrote:
Are there no term limits for vice presidents? He has already served two terms as vice president.
Oh yeah. Good point. Idk.