All summer long there has been a loaded gun on my front porch, I use it for "self defense" purposes. I protect my domain from the eminent dangers that daily attempt to invade my space. From the wasps that try to build their nests in the corners of the porch ceiling to the neighbor's cat trying to catch and kill my beloved lizards, from the raccoon that decided to jump up on the porch to advance on me at midnight one night or the possum that crossed into our yard at 3 in the morning. (Insomnia has it's strange times, and being a smoker is cause for being outside at odd hours). I keep the gun loaded mostly with water but also a few drops of Dawn dish soap, so that when I shoot at wasps, the foam smothers them and they can't come back.
My point? I don't feel the need to bring a cannon to the battle where a squirt gun is sufficient.
MamaSqu wrote:
All summer long there has been a loaded gun on my front porch, I use it for "self defense" purposes. I protect my domain from the eminent dangers that daily attempt to invade my space. From the wasps that try to build their nests in the corners of the porch ceiling to the neighbor's cat trying to catch and kill my beloved lizards, from the raccoon that decided to jump up on the porch to advance on me at midnight one night or the possum that crossed into our yard at 3 in the morning. (Insomnia has it's strange times, and being a smoker is cause for being outside at odd hours). I keep the gun loaded mostly with water but also a few drops of Dawn dish soap, so that when I shoot at wasps, the foam smothers them and they can't come back.
My point? I don't feel the need to bring a cannon to the battle where a squirt gun is sufficient.
I do the exact same thing. All summer I have a few loaded spray bottles with the soap/water mixture. I also add a few drops of lemon juice. It seems to keep all sorts of flying and crawly critters at bay!
Dawn Liquid Soap is like a magic potion.
AdminShiny wrote:
Vantro wrote:
teluog wrote:
If you read the comment's sections following every article on this story, the people supporting this cop and the disparaging remarks about this teenager are so over the top it's scary. So many think this is how a teenager who was misbehaving should be disciplined and so many insist the cop didn't throw her around he just dragged her! Could this be how all of them handle their own children, I doubt it, but it's acceptable for the way this girl was treated? It's called abuse. I thought cops were suppose to take control of a situation in a way that garnered respect for the badge. Does anyone think the other students in that class now have a great respect for the police? When the police act worse than the person breaking the rules, it's time to wake up and start doing something about it, not keep making up excuses for the behavior. Her only weapon was a cell phone, surely someone in authority could have come up with a better way of disciplining this girl. So many out there supporting this police officer and showing real hatred for this teenager. She needs to learn she can't just do whatever she wants to without consequences, but abusing her isn't going to teach her respect for those in charge.
I absolutely agree!! I read one comment that was demanding that the girl be arrested & if not it would be because she was black!! WTF? I had to ask, "arrested? Wth for?". Ppl are delusional. The girl is a typical mouthy teen girl. We all know teen girls can snap & become the most disrespectful creatures on earth. I certainly hope cops don't think this how you handle a mouthy hormonal teenager who is unarmed, sitting down & posing no threat! It seems there are many cops out there who are frightened to do their job so their instinct is to get violent OR (& most likely) they can't handle their ego getting poked. Cop just pulled his gun over fake spiders. Yes this man, a " trained" professional entrusted to protect our safety with a weapon tried to use that weapon to kill a fake spider. Yeah, problem with police in this country. I think I am better off not calling police for help. I might accidentally get shot!I agree with both of you. This poor girls mother had recently died, and the girl was now living in foster care. I wonder if anyone had reached out to her before she was wrenched out of her desk and thrown to the ground.
I read that she has a cast on her arm and has neck and back injuries. I think it is a miracle she didn't break her neck.
But that's what she deserves for misbehaving in class, right?
that is why I was asking about her mother, and if her mother recently died she feel as she is alone and the fact she was living in foster care don't help I feel bad for her I know she was wrong, but imo she is alone. it's just sad
AdminShiny wrote:
MamaSqu wrote:
All summer long there has been a loaded gun on my front porch, I use it for "self defense" purposes. I protect my domain from the eminent dangers that daily attempt to invade my space. From the wasps that try to build their nests in the corners of the porch ceiling to the neighbor's cat trying to catch and kill my beloved lizards, from the raccoon that decided to jump up on the porch to advance on me at midnight one night or the possum that crossed into our yard at 3 in the morning. (Insomnia has it's strange times, and being a smoker is cause for being outside at odd hours). I keep the gun loaded mostly with water but also a few drops of Dawn dish soap, so that when I shoot at wasps, the foam smothers them and they can't come back.
My point? I don't feel the need to bring a cannon to the battle where a squirt gun is sufficient.I do the exact same thing. All summer I have a few loaded spray bottles with the soap/water mixture. I also add a few drops of lemon juice. It seems to keep all sorts of flying and crawly critters at bay!
Dawn Liquid Soap is like a magic potion.
that do work I have use it as well
snapzz wrote:
AdminShiny wrote:
MamaSqu wrote:
All summer long there has been a loaded gun on my front porch, I use it for "self defense" purposes. I protect my domain from the eminent dangers that daily attempt to invade my space. From the wasps that try to build their nests in the corners of the porch ceiling to the neighbor's cat trying to catch and kill my beloved lizards, from the raccoon that decided to jump up on the porch to advance on me at midnight one night or the possum that crossed into our yard at 3 in the morning. (Insomnia has it's strange times, and being a smoker is cause for being outside at odd hours). I keep the gun loaded mostly with water but also a few drops of Dawn dish soap, so that when I shoot at wasps, the foam smothers them and they can't come back.
My point? I don't feel the need to bring a cannon to the battle where a squirt gun is sufficient.I do the exact same thing. All summer I have a few loaded spray bottles with the soap/water mixture. I also add a few drops of lemon juice. It seems to keep all sorts of flying and crawly critters at bay!
Dawn Liquid Soap is like a magic potion.*********************
that do work I have use it as well
It's great for a deterrent and a detergent. <----see what I did there? lol
While I do think the deputy handled the situation wrong and was rightfully fired, I don't think the girl should get a pass because the situation she created with her defiance and obstinance ended badly. I don't see her as an innocent victim at all. She created the situation and took it to where it went. IMO, she should face consequences.
Here is how to discipline teens that are "misbehavin'" :
needtosay wrote:
While I do think the deputy handled the situation wrong and was rightfully fired, I don't think the girl should get a pass because the situation she created with her defiance and obstinance ended badly. I don't see her as an innocent victim at all. She created the situation and took it to where it went. IMO, she should face consequences.
I don't think anyone believes she should get a pass, but I think she's already faced some pretty heavy consequences.
I meant other than being taken down by the cop. She needs to face charges. A message needs to be sent to the other students that behavior has consequences and you don't get a free pass because the situation you caused ends badly for you.
needtosay wrote:
I meant other than being taken down by the cop. She needs to face charges. A message needs to be sent to the other students that behavior has consequences and you don't get a free pass because the situation you caused ends badly for you.
What sort of charges do you think she should face? Students are disobedient all the time. It's up to the staff to learn how to create a positive environment where kids feel that they can get help if they need it, and to intervene to assist the student's development whenever possible. She was clearly not obeying ordrers but there are no reports that she was violent or a physical threat in any way. We're talking about a 16 year old girl who's had a lot of bad luck already. I can't see how charging her and putting her into the penal system is going to make things better.
These RSOs are supposed to be there to set a positive example and create a better relationship with the young people in the community. Do you think any student leaving that classroom had a better impression of the police because of what this officer did?
Definitely assault of a law enforcement officer, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. They could also charge her with trespassing which is what she was doing once she was told to leave by the administrator and didn't. Which is why the Deputy was involved.
MamaSqu wrote:
Here is how to discipline teens that are "misbehavin'" :
Fantastic Video and article! Thanks for sharing ! Mama!
The SRO is not a school employee. He is a Sheriff Deputy. A law enforcement officer. He is there mostly to keep students safe and help maintain order in the school. Yes they are also supposed to foster a good relationship between law enforcement and the kids. You make a good point about that but he is a law enforcement officer first and foremost. He has to maintain an authority with the kids and if he had just backed off what message would that have sent? I think we are fostering a belief system that if we resist arrest and the police officer asserts himself physically we become a victim. The deputy was fired not for physically taking the girl down but for tossing her at the end. Personally, I think he should have called for reinforcement and then he and other responding officers could have carried her out of the room desk and all if necessary. I think once she was told she had to leave she needed to be made to do just that. Backing off and letting her stay sends the wrong message to the other students.
needtosay wrote:
The SRO is not a school employee. He is a Sheriff Deputy. A law enforcement officer. He is there mostly to keep students safe and help maintain order in the school. Yes they are also supposed to foster a good relationship between law enforcement and the kids. You make a good point about that but he is a law enforcement officer first and foremost. He has to maintain an authority with the kids and if he had just backed off what message would that have sent? I think we are fostering a belief system that if we resist arrest and the police officer asserts himself physically we become a victim. The deputy was fired not for physically taking the girl down but for tossing her at the end. Personally, I think he should have called for reinforcement and then he and other responding officers could have carried her out of the room desk and all if necessary. I think once she was told she had to leave she needed to be made to do just that. Backing off and letting her stay sends the wrong message to the other students.
I don't think it would have been seen as backing off it the other students were sent out of the room and the student ended up suspended or expelled. I don't see the need for violence or for putting this kid into the penal system.
needtosay wrote:
The SRO is not a school employee. He is a Sheriff Deputy. A law enforcement officer. He is there mostly to keep students safe and help maintain order in the school. Yes they are also supposed to foster a good relationship between law enforcement and the kids. You make a good point about that but he is a law enforcement officer first and foremost. He has to maintain an authority with the kids and if he had just backed off what message would that have sent? I think we are fostering a belief system that if we resist arrest and the police officer asserts himself physically we become a victim. The deputy was fired not for physically taking the girl down but for tossing her at the end. Personally, I think he should have called for reinforcement and then he and other responding officers could have carried her out of the room desk and all if necessary. I think once she was told she had to leave she needed to be made to do just that. Backing off and letting her stay sends the wrong message to the other students.
Need, I agree with everything you've been saying.
I think removing the other students from the room could be seen as removing the witnesses. If the school suspended her but she shows up again the next day and refuses to leave then what? I do think it could have and should have been handled differently. The violance happened because of her resistance and obstinance. Just because she ended up on the loosing end of that does not mean we should overlook her actions.
NESunrise wrote:
teluog wrote:
If a parent disciplined their child like that, they would be in jail. The girl deserves punishment, but what the _ell is happening in this country, don't these cops know how to deal with anything properly anymore? Can you imagine all they've gotten away with over the years when there wasn't anyone filming anything they were doing. We wonder why kids don't respect cops any more. There are more good cops than bad, but they need to clean up their own in order to get the public's respect back. If you can't handle an un-armed teenager, you sure can't handle a more dangerous situation. These cops also seem to be above the law, anyone else who did this to this girl would be charged with a crime.
^^^^ This !!!! Perfect!
I also heard someone today (not sure who) say" that if you wouldn't call 911 then why would you call an SRO" (school resource officer) which that particular officer was. Their job is not to be disciplinarians- they are there to protect the students.
I agree!...I read that the girl in question had recently lost her mom and was put into foster care. She was dealing with that and perhaps this added to her discipline issues. The teacher and administrators were aware of the terrible things happening to her, so they should have recommended that she go into counseling.
Removing the others students from the room would have taken her audience away. Her craving for attention would have been diminished and perhaps this whole scenario would have resulted in a less violent outcome.
It made me wince when I saw how he flung her across the room. I can't believe that it only affected her arm,( that is now in a sling) and her back...he could have broken her neck! Then he would be facing murder charges.
I don't excuse her disrespect towards the teacher and the police officer, however who were the adults in that room??
needtosay wrote:
I think removing the other students from the room could be seen as removing the witnesses. If the school suspended her but she shows up again the next day and refuses to leave then what? I do think it could have and should have been handled differently. The violance happened because of her resistance and obstinance. Just because she ended up on the loosing end of that does not mean we should overlook her actions.
If the school suspended her and she showed up the next day it could be dealt with then. "What ifs" are just red herrings. What happened is that the girl refused to obey the teacher and resource officer and for that she was pulled out of her desk, thrown onto the ground, and dragged across the room. If this is what happens to every student who disobeys a teacher, this is a very slippery slope. Imagine what will happen when a short tempered teacher is armed?
As I said before, I've taught high school for over 14 years and there is no way that kind of violence would be condoned where I live. The officer would be in jail, guaranteed. And if I was the parent I'd be raising holy hell and suing for every dime.
The girl was thrown to the ground when she began violently resisting (newer videos show this) when he attempted to remove her from the desk. She reared back and started punching him. The take down was not unlawful and was according to police proticol. If we allow students to defy the authority of the school and law enforcement then there will not order in our schools. It already has started moving in that direction because federal law has tied teachers and administrators hands and that is why now law enforcement has to be involved.
needtosay wrote:
The girl was thrown to the ground when she began violently resisting (newer videos show this) when he attempted to remove her from the desk. She reared back and started punching him. The take down was not unlawful and was according to police proticol. If we allow students to defy the authority of the school and law enforcement then there will not order in our schools. It already has started moving in that direction because federal law has tied teachers and administrators hands and that is why now law enforcement has to be involved.
I saw it differently, need. I didn't see any violence from the girl until the officer approached and put his hands on her. I saw her reflexively reach up and defend herself as he attempted to put her in a choke hold. The takedown may not have been unlawful but it was extremely dangerous and blatantly unnecessary. The officer clearly let his temper get to him and dragged her across the floor, which has reportedly resulted in rugburn to her face.
We should not allow students to defy authority, but we don't have to resort to violence. Every avenue should be exhausted before we put hands on a student and cause them injury.