Jeb to Rubio:
"The Senate, what is it like, a French work week?" he asked. "You get like three days where you have to show up?"
Gérard Araud, the French ambassador to the United States to Jeb:
"A French work week of 3 days? No but a pregnancy paid leave of 16 weeks yes! And proud of it."
Well, he is not really wrong. Of a comparison of 38 developed countries and the hours worked Mexico works the most, the US is 16th, Canada is 22nd and France is 33rd. Germany works the least.
What many of these countries do have when compared to the US is a more balanced work life with social benefits such as mandatory sick pay, maternity leave, vacations and employment standards such as working hours.
Last edited by Sunny@Midnight2 (10/30/2015 12:46 pm)
I'm sorry to disagree, but Jeb is quite wrong.
There is no such thing as a three day work week in France.
It's a 35 hour work week.
The fact that the USA still does not have mandated paid mat leave continues to blow my mind. The only thing that astounds me more is that there are people who fight to keep it that way.
DollyLongstaff wrote:
I'm sorry to disagree, but Jeb is quite wrong.
There is no such thing as a three day work week in France.
It's a 35 hour work week.
I think Jeb was being fascetious and exaggerating to make a try and enhance his point.
Sunny@Midnight2 wrote:
DollyLongstaff wrote:
I'm sorry to disagree, but Jeb is quite wrong.
There is no such thing as a three day work week in France.
It's a 35 hour work week.
I think Jeb was being fascetious and exaggerating to make a try and enhance his point.
I agree.
I think it was a failed attempt at humor.
Let's face it, funny isn't Jeb's strong suit.
Plus, we all know how Repubs feel about the French.
Remember "Freedom Fries"?
And all because they wouldn't support the invasion of Iraq..... SHM
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (10/30/2015 7:39 pm)