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11/06/2015 9:16 am  #1

Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

Ben Carson was on CNN this morning and he is not happy. He's angry that people have been looking into some of the claims in his book. 

The people that he allegedly attacked cannot be found, so now Carson has clarified that he changed their names even though he has never mentioned that before and did not note it in the book. This morning he said they might be family members so he won't mention who they are.

He then went on a diatribe about how he is being treated unfairly, and that investigations into his past are part of a big "smear campaign".

"You didn't vet Obama like this!" he growled. The reporter pointed out that "Dreams from my Father" was vetted in exactly the same way, and that reporters even went looking for his college girlfriend among other things. Carson replied with a frustrated "Give me a break!"

I had to laugh at a Republican candidate feeling like he's getting unfairly vetted after what they gleefully put Obama through. Carson, let me know if they're still vetting you after you're in the office for 7 years and maybe you'll get a tiny tiny taste of what Obama has been put through. 

When Obama was being grilled for his BC and his religion relentlessly I kept thinking "When this happens to their candidate they'll be crying foul, but they started this."

Sorry. Not sorry.

I hope the next person who interviews him wears a big belt buckle, just in case he unleashes the Kraken.


11/06/2015 9:22 am  #2

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

 I hope the next person who interviews him wears a big belt buckle, just in case he unleashes the Kraken.

 Too funny.


11/06/2015 10:15 am  #3

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

LOL Yep, heard it also "Bob" & "Jerry" can't be found


11/06/2015 10:25 am  #4

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

I was shocked to hear Carson say that in an interview this morning.  Really?  I guess he doesn't remember all the hoopla about where Obama was born. He doesn't remember everything Obama said being questioned and looked into.  Where was he back then?

No matter how educated, talented, rich, or cool you think you are, how you treat people tells us all.  Integrity is everything.

11/06/2015 10:31 am  #5

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

needtosay wrote:

I was shocked to hear Carson say that in an interview this morning.  Really?  I guess he doesn't remember all the hoopla about where Obama was born. He doesn't remember everything Obama said being questioned and looked into.  Where was he back then?

He obviously was taking a nap......He's still asleep. 
Doesn't know what's going on around him and wants to be POTUS.


11/06/2015 10:40 am  #6

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

I remember many people on the left whining back then and are still today about the horrible mistreatment of Obama for the past 7 years.   Poor Obama, no other President has had to endure such blatant scrutiny.  How dare they?


11/06/2015 10:49 am  #7

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

Caribou wrote:

I remember many people on the left whining back then and are still today about the horrible mistreatment of Obama for the past 7 years.   Poor Obama, no other President has had to endure such blatant scrutiny.  How dare they?

And it was true.

Yet this GOP candidate thinks he's above being vetted for some reason, and can't even remember what happened during Obama's campaign and into his presidency.

     Thread Starter

11/06/2015 11:24 am  #8

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

Ben Carson isn't the only one doin' a Rip Van Winkle.

Has anyone forgotten the "birther movement" which Donald Trump and everyone's favorite dentist and real estate agent Orly Taitz  tried to keep alive for the last seven years?

How about the lies about Obama and Columbia U.?
Then there was Barry and his dope, Barry on the DL, and on and on and on.

Carson wrote in his book about his violent past.
Now, when no one can find anyone who remembers those things happening, he's cryin' the blues.

As far as I know, Carson's mother is still alive.
I think she would remember if Ben hit her on the head with a hammer.
Why doesn't the media ask her?

Back with a vengeance possums!

11/06/2015 11:31 am  #9

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

Caribou wrote:

I remember many people on the left whining back then and are still today about the horrible mistreatment of Obama for the past 7 years.   Poor Obama, no other President has had to endure such blatant scrutiny.  How dare they?

Hi Bou! Good to see you. I do think Obma was vetted more than any other candidate had been, and still is closely scrutinized by a certain faction. Im not whining, but remarking on what I see. Hope all is great with you! 


11/06/2015 11:54 am  #10

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

Is anyone else confused?

The media says they have found no evidence that Ben Carson was ever a violent person and yet he's calling it a "witch hunt"?

Back with a vengeance possums!

11/06/2015 1:11 pm  #11

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

AdminShiny wrote:

Caribou wrote:

I remember many people on the left whining back then and are still today about the horrible mistreatment of Obama for the past 7 years.   Poor Obama, no other President has had to endure such blatant scrutiny.  How dare they?

And it was true.

Yet this GOP candidate thinks he's above being vetted for some reason, and can't even remember what happened during Obama's campaign and into his presidency.

I know...poor poor Obama.


11/06/2015 1:13 pm  #12

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

esm wrote:

Caribou wrote:

I remember many people on the left whining back then and are still today about the horrible mistreatment of Obama for the past 7 years.   Poor Obama, no other President has had to endure such blatant scrutiny.  How dare they?

Hi Bou! Good to see you. I do think Obma was vetted more than any other candidate had been, and still is closely scrutinized by a certain faction. Im not whining, but remarking on what I see. Hope all is great with you! 

Hey esm!   Nice to see you too.


11/09/2015 10:10 am  #13

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

Sam wrote:

 I hope the next person who interviews him wears a big belt buckle, just in case he unleashes the Kraken.

 Too funny.

lol right

 Ppl are amazing, but not always in a good way.  


11/09/2015 10:11 am  #14

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

needtosay wrote:

I was shocked to hear Carson say that in an interview this morning.  Really?  I guess he doesn't remember all the hoopla about where Obama was born. He doesn't remember everything Obama said being questioned and looked into.  Where was he back then?

Ben said that all the talk about Obama and his birth is not the same and what is being done to him lol

 Ppl are amazing, but not always in a good way.  


11/09/2015 10:14 am  #15

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

Caribou wrote:

I remember many people on the left whining back then and are still today about the horrible mistreatment of Obama for the past 7 years.   Poor Obama, no other President has had to endure such blatant scrutiny.  How dare they?

like Ben stated it's just a media witch hunt after him. poor baby  

 Ppl are amazing, but not always in a good way.  


11/09/2015 10:18 am  #16

Re: Carson "you guys never vetted Obama like this..."

DollyLongstaff wrote:

Is anyone else confused?

The media says they have found no evidence that Ben Carson was ever a violent person and yet he's calling it a "witch hunt"?

me me me and I also would like to know more about the which Carson says when his fellow black high school students erupted in anger after the murder of Martin Luther King, “he protected a few white students from the attacks by hiding them.”

 Ppl are amazing, but not always in a good way.  


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