First to Maggie.
Please don't worry if very few respond to my posts.
The point is, the right people read them, including you and the cuckoos who claim they could care less about what goes on over here.
As far as questioning someone about their employment situation...
"I remember when she was supposedly at work and she would be on all day....I was pretty sure it wasn't true but boy if it were, she sure was wasting her employers money and i always thought it would be nice to let them know".
I don't think you're in a position to judge.
You've started and quit more jobs than Carter's have liver pills, and I mean that in the kindest possible way.
Now for the lovely Julie (aka I got a gun and ain't afraid to use it):
Who are you to judge someone's parenting?
As far as I know, you've never raised a child.
And last but not least to Keep.
We're supposedly crazy over here, but you're looking for Obama to resign in the last year of his presidency?
Because of his failed policies???
You need a drink, a real one.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (11/16/2015 6:26 am)
Iggoz, question?
Why does Keep never directly respond to your posts?
Every time Billy posts the slightest little thing, she's right there to give her a spot on, yet when you post...nothin'.
Are things really that bad between you two or are you still carrying on that charade of being enemies just to fool little old me me?