While some are shaking in their boots and wringing their hands about letting 10,000 Syrian refugees (mostly women and children) into the country, they seem to have forgotten that within' the last several years alone we've had our own terrorists kill our own people including school age children in Sandy Hook, theater goers in Aurora and members of a black congregation while they were in the church studying the bible?
Not one thing has been done to help prevent these events from happening again.
Once again I just have to smh at these so-called "Christians". If there was ever a time for their saviour to come back and point out what they have become, this would be it.
Do they really think Jesus would be saying "Oh yeah, send them back where they came from. Border safety is so much more important than saving human lives. We don't owe them anything, let their own people help them out. Yes, that means you, 5 year old orphans." ?
Funny how they're quick to quote the bible to defend so many things, yet I've heard not one scriptural quoted to defend this disgusting display of human cruelty we are seeing. They know their god wouldn't support it, and yet their own fear drives them to turn their back on god and man.
And they wonder why people are moving further and further away from organized religion and so called Christians.
So true.
Republican Logic:
Muslim shooters = entire religion guilty
Black shooters = entire race guilty
White shooters = mentally unstable lone wolves
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (11/18/2015 2:35 pm)