More like tossing and turning.
After a full day and a late dinner of "Tuscany Crepes" accompanied by a liter of a fine Piedmontese Barolo, Burgo and I decided to turn in early.
Big mistake.
Falling asleep was not a problem; the problem was staying asleep.
For some reason I dreamt I was in my classroom preparing the young ones for their annual Holiday music program.
There I sat at the piano, accompanying the children who were singing their hearts out ..."ho,ho,ho, who wouldn't go" when all of a sudden I looked over at the window and noticed the sky turning lack, trees swaying madly in the breeze and a swarm of birds with human faces; old, mean looking faces, heading our way.
Trying not to alarm the little ones, I kept playing, hoping they wouldn't notice the frightful looking creatures.
The avian monsters continued their advance and began pecking and pecking away at the windows, determined to break through the glass.
When the first pane shattered, a shriek came from the last seat of the third row. It was Amanda, an unspoiled mountain child being raised by her grandfather.
Panic set in as pane after pane followed the fate of the first.
It was then that I knew I had to do something to protect those in my charge; in loco parentis.
As calmly as I could, I instructed the children to grab their coats and form a single line at the door. Throwing on my own well worn belted green trench coat, I led them to the other side of the building and on to the playground where I hoped our attackers would not find us.
How did I not realize my plan would be discovered by this brood of horrible harpies.
As the mad gaggle of predators circled around their innocent prey, the only words that managed to come from my lips were "".
I kept repeating those words, over and over. "Run children,"
"Wake up! Wake Up! You're having a bad dream" Burgo whispered as he gently shook my dampened body to consciousness.
What ever were you dreaming about, he asked as I felt my right cheek expecting to find real blood from what turned out to be imaginary bite.
Oh, it was horrible. The dream was so deep and so realistic, I couldn't bring myself out of it.
Burgo tried to console me; "We all have those dreams now and then, but that's just it, they're only dreams. Turn over and try to get some sleep".
You know they say dreams are filled with symbols and messages about scenarios going on in your subconscious mind.
Birds attacking viciously? Birds with ugly old faces? Birds cawing while clawing at my cheek?
I wonder if my dream had anything to do with....
Burgo..Burgo are you listening?
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/17/2015 8:22 am)