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12/15/2015 8:55 pm  #1

Another Reason Carly Fiorina Will Never Be President

Or have a political career.....

Carly ate a dog biscuit and "told" some dogs that Obama ate one of their cousins, so vote Republican.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/16/2015 7:49 am)

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12/16/2015 7:45 am  #2

Re: Another Reason Carly Fiorina Will Never Be President

First off  Mrs. F,  where's the proof that the dog President Obama ate when he was a child living in Indonesia was one of the cousins of the pup you were "talking to"?

Did you see a video? Were there dog parts writhing on the table??? 

Secondly, how is this an endorsement of voting Republican?

If memory serves, David Huckabee, the son of  Republican candidate Mike Huckabee, slaughtered a sick dog...for fun!

And that was right here in the good ol' US of A.

(courtesy of my friend wonkette).


Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/16/2015 7:54 am)

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12/16/2015 10:17 am  #3

Re: Another Reason Carly Fiorina Will Never Be President

She had a terrible performance last night, between more lies and trying to interrupt when it wasn't her turn. Plus the nasty little "Palin-esque" digs at the other candidates. She's done. Go sit with Carson, Carly. You're finished.


12/16/2015 10:45 am  #4

Re: Another Reason Carly Fiorina Will Never Be President

Exactly. CF  lies, lies and then lies some more.

Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina claimed in Tuesday night's Republican presidential debate that the Obama Administration hasn't asked big tech companies for help circumventing encryption in fighting terrorism—but the FBI and other federal agencies have done just that several times.

FBI Director James Comey recently reiterated calls for big companies like Apple and Google to help officials decipher encrypted messages and stored data on cell phones and other devices.

Tech companies have effectively declined to do so, saying any government "back door" could be used to circumvent security measures and steal user data.

"Apple has never worked with any government agency from any country to create a 'back door' in any of our products or services," the company says. "We have also never allowed any government access to our servers. And we never will."

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/16/2015 10:46 am)

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12/16/2015 11:07 am  #5

Re: Another Reason Carly Fiorina Will Never Be President

Carly knows exactly what she is doing & it seems to be working. Look at PP & how the dominos have fallen since her lie about PP videos. Defunding & more lies from other ppl in office. Anyone catch what our attorney general is trying to do here Ohio? Google Republican Mike Dewine, PP & restraining order. It is crazy! Carly knows that lying works & she is just dirty enough to not only depend on it to get her way, but she revels in it.

BTW in case some aren't aware the Republicans have realized that they are losing the abortion battle as they have been fighting it. They have now changed their plan of attack & PP is their first target. If they can vilify PP in regards to abortion & do so in a manner which paints those having abortions as not only ending a life, but evil doers who are fine with selling body parts or sending the fetus to a landfill then they can vilify abortion. If we allow republicans to do this & in the most underhanded way then we may very well see abortion laws change. Be astute with this issue, because it is much bigger than it appears.

I will not kneel before Zod. 

12/16/2015 11:16 am  #6

Re: Another Reason Carly Fiorina Will Never Be President

I would never vote for Carly under any circumstances, but her advisers should tell her to stop looking for the sympathy vote.

Fiorina: "America needs a tested leader… I have been tested. I have beaten breast cancer. I have buried a child. I started as a secretary. I fought my way to the top of corporate America while being called every b-word in the book.”

Cry us a river Carly. As if you're the only woman to contract breast cancer.
(Thousands of women are diagnosed with cancer every day. Many don't survive, you did.)

You're not the only woman to ever "bury a child" (dramatic much?).
( How about those women in Sandy Hook who lost their children while you still refuse to address gun control?)

You've been called every b-word in the book?
(No one has called you the c-word? Much more accurate.)

Millions of women have been tested to a much deeper degree than you have and most of them don't have the financial advantages you have had your entire life.

So if you want us to feel sorry for you fine, but the "testing" you have gone through in your life doesn't make you qualified to be president.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/16/2015 11:23 am)

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12/16/2015 11:53 am  #7

Re: Another Reason Carly Fiorina Will Never Be President

Yeah she really played that sympathy card right off the bat. Santorum was also desperate to work in some reference to his disabled child. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. 

I don't think we'll be seeing very much more of either of them. Carly whined, lied, and interrupted herself right out of the race last night, and Santorum never had a chance to begin with.


12/17/2015 1:26 pm  #8

Re: Another Reason Carly Fiorina Will Never Be President

Liar mouth got busted  again for you guessed it. Lying!  "One of the things I would immediately do … is bring back the warrior class -- Petraeus, McChrystal, Mattis, Keane, Flynn. ... Every one was retired early because they told President Obama things that he didn’t want to hear."— Carly Fiorina on Tuesday, December 15th, 2015 in a GOP debate on CNN

Keane resigned in 2003.Obama took office in 2009. Keane never served under Obama.

Obama nominated Petraeus to head the Central Intelligence Agency in 2011. Petraeus retired from the military to take on the new position.

 McChrystal was Obama’s pick to lead American and NATO forces in Afghanistan at a time when the war was taking a mounting toll on U.S. soldiers. McChrystal advocated for a strategy that called for as many as 40,000 additional troops. Many in the White House disagreed, among them Vice President Joe Biden.Ultimately, McChrystal got much of what he recommended. His downfall came when he allowed a Rolling Stone reporter to travel with him. When the article emerged, McChrystal and his staff were quoted making disparaging remarks about Biden and other top civilian administration officials. 

Obama removed Mattis from that job in 2013. By some reports, there was concern in the White House that Mattis seemed too eager to use military force against Iran. But another account has it that he rubbed  civilian officials the wrong way with the issues he raised about Iran.While we don’t know all the details, it seems possible that Mattis was removed over policy differences.

Flynn was a key intelligence adviser to McChrystal in Afghanistan and Iraq. In 2012, he became the  head of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency. According to the Washington Post, Flynn wanted to reorganize the agency, placing more operatives overseas and focusing on a range of threats beyond the conflict zones of Iraq and Afghanistan. His management style and strategic plans put him at odds with his bosses, importantly, Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers.

Flynn and his deputy left the agency at the same time.

Flynn’s story largely aligns with Fiorina’s message.

Our ruling

Fiorina said that five generals -- Petraeus, McChrystal, Mattis, Keane, and Flynn -- resigned because they all told Obama things he didn’t want to hear. Fiorina might be pushing the point of whether Obama himself didn’t like what they had to say, but two of the men -- Mattis and Flynn -- likely departed over policy differences, published reporting shows.McChrystal’s story is harder to judge because Obama took his advice. There was friction over policy, but he was removed from his post due to an interview with Rolling Stone that at the very least put Obama in a difficult position.Petraeus’ departure had nothing to do with policy. He mishandled classified documents and had an affair. Keane retired long before Obama took office.Fiorina is on solid ground with only two of her examples, and also indicated an Obama involvement that is not proven.

That’s shaky enough to rate this claim Mostly False. 

For those who want to know where I found this crap. I found it on the Pulitzer Prize winning

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/17/2015 1:34 pm)

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12/17/2015 1:37 pm  #9

Re: Another Reason Carly Fiorina Will Never Be President

And I got this crap from FOX.

    STUART VARNEY (HOST): You heard it. Carly Fiorina, last night, mentioned General Jack Keane by name and guess who is here: Gen. Jack Keane. Alive and alert, and with us this morning. Did you in fact, general, give advice to President Obama, which he didn't want to hear and didn't take?

    JACK KEANE: No, I have never spoken to the president.That's not accurate, and I never served this administration. I served the previous administration.


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12/17/2015 1:42 pm  #10

Re: Another Reason Carly Fiorina Will Never Be President

Here's  even more crap from the NY Times:

Mrs. Fiorina said she wanted to bring back several generals whom she asserted had been forced out of their jobs for speaking their minds, including Mr. McChrystal and Mr. Petraeus.But she left out the highly memorable episodes that prompted the departures of those two men

Mr. Obama fired Mr. McChrystal in 2010 after the publication of an article in Rolling Stone in which the general and his aides spoke critically of senior administration officials.

At the time, Mr. McChrystal was the top commander in Afghanistan.

Mr. Petraeus stepped down in 2012 from his position as director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The reason for his departure was also a high-profile episode: He resigned after an investigation by the F.B.I. found evidence that he had been involved in an extramarital affair.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/17/2015 1:43 pm)

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