That's how Chelsea's news about expecting another child was described by Bill Kristol's (the conservative who's always wrong about everything) publication "The Free Beacon".
This from the party of "all life is precious", abortion is murder, blah, blah, blah
How sad is it to be that hateful a human being? Every day must just be so sad for them, living with that kind of pure hatred. It's really got to affect their health, you just can't be that miserable and be a healthy human being.
I am not sure whether to hate Trump or to thank him. Ever since he started being openly bigoted, misogynistic, & racist as a Republican it has encouraged or inspired other Republicans & conserves who are just exhausted of hiding their own hateful agenda to now be free & open about it. Funny that for years conserves stomped their feet & insisted that their party wasn't racist. We all knew it was the party to harbor this mentality, but now it is openly confirmed. For the repubs & conserves who are not like this you may want to jump ship & become an Independent...just sayin'.