Congratulations to Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer and the entire Palin family.
Bristol gave birth to a baby girl on Wednesay.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/25/2015 9:40 am)
Continued best wishes, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention one teeny, tine, little thing...
Abstinence is the only sure method of birth control, if you practice it.
Missed you Dolly. Where you been????
I'm here zeke, much to VRB's consternation.
Hope you had a great Christmas.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (12/26/2015 9:27 pm)
Good to see you. I had a great Christmas. Hope you did too. I am so drunk with everything I have consumed I can only sit here with my laptop. But....all is good.
I think we are doing all 3 Hunger Games tonight.