Here is a partial list of demands many GOP candidates want before the next debate.
From: The Onion
Here are the GOP’s demands for upcoming debates:
President Obama:Speaking about candidates' big talk about handling Vladimir Putin, he said, “They say, when I talk to Putin, he’s going to straighten out. And then it turns out they can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators.”“If you can’t handle those guys, I don’t think the Chinese and the Russians are going to be too worried about you,” the President concluded.
omg this was sooooo funny!!!
AdminShiny wrote:
omg this was sooooo funny!!!
He should know since he can't handle Fox News.
This was pretty entertaining as well. "You want a foot massage too?" LOL
DollyLongstaff wrote:
President Obama:Speaking about candidates' big talk about handling Vladimir Putin, he said, “They say, when I talk to Putin, he’s going to straighten out. And then it turns out they can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators.”“If you can’t handle those guys, I don’t think the Chinese and the Russians are going to be too worried about you,” the President concluded.
This is too funny. This coming from a man who blames cable news for political polarization & refused a Fox News debate in 2007.
Poor Obama........he's so blissfully unaware & can't comprehend a bit of nuance. The Reps never said they coudn't handle them. They were complaining the mods were rude, unprofessional & asked idiotic questions. The mods deserved all the criticism they got from Reps, Dems, journalists. The CNBC mods did accomplish the impossible.........they had me rooting for all the candidates on stage........and I don't even like any of them!
Last edited by Campbell85255 (11/03/2015 10:41 pm)
That's pretty much what Rick Santorum said.
The guy who has a filthy, disgusting sex act named after him.
It's called the Santorum Super Tuesday Surprise.
By the way, how many elections has he won lately?
Another Gotcha Question!
Okay, I thought the reason the debate was such a disaster was because I was under the impression since the panel was comprised of CNBC mods that they would be moderating a forum about the economy and business. Instead those 3 idiots asked belittling & snarky questions like Trump running a comic book campaign and, among other things, fantasy football. Now I think the Reps demands for future debates is a bit ridiculous.
Geez, all they need is to demand to get mods that don't show such obvious contempt for Reps and ask questions that might reasonably influence someone's vote whether for or against. No more dopey questions like…….."what did you think when Trump said this about whatever?" Just ask for approval of choice of mods and agreement on what policy subjects will be addressed and stick to those subjects. Any other demands are, frankly, absurd.
Seems to me that Hillary got plenty of tough questions from AC. I do not see her complaining nor is she demanding special treatment.
Like President Obama said, if you can't handle some "tough questions" from CNBC moderators then how are you going to deal with Vladimir Putin?
Here were just few questions Hilary received from the Democratic CNN Debate.:
The Cooper questions:
Last edited by danyi (11/04/2015 6:00 pm)