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  • » News of the Odd & Strange
  • News of the Odd & Strange

    Topic Replies Views Last post
    Trump: I Won The Debate by DollyLongstaff
    10/11/2016 8:47 am
    2 761
    10/12/2016 11:41 am
    by DollyLongstaff
    Trump Reminds Supporters To Vote On Nov. 28th by DollyLongstaff
    10/12/2016 8:20 am
    2 764
    Donald: "I Helped Her Buy Furniture" by DollyLongstaff
    10/08/2016 7:55 am
    1 653
    10/08/2016 2:17 pm
    by cossysmom
    2 910
    Did Not, Did Too! by DollyLongstaff
    9/29/2016 7:10 am
    0 541
    9/29/2016 7:10 am
    by DollyLongstaff
    How Many Trump Lies Did You Hear At The Debate? by DollyLongstaff
    9/28/2016 8:49 am
    1 690
    9/28/2016 9:28 am
    by DollyLongstaff
    FOX Suicidal Over Trump's Trouncing By HRC by DollyLongstaff
    9/27/2016 7:45 am
    1 635
    3 1,068
    A Taco Truck On Every Corner by DollyLongstaff
    9/02/2016 8:19 am
    8 1,645
    9/06/2016 1:16 pm
    by NESunrise
    Trump's Doctor by DollyLongstaff
    8/30/2016 11:39 am
    3 966
    8/31/2016 7:01 am
    by DollyLongstaff
    Trumps Sometimes Hides In His Apartment by DollyLongstaff
    8/24/2016 8:15 pm
    6 1,680
    22 Million Emails Missing by DollyLongstaff
    8/23/2016 7:07 am
    3 1,006
    Benghazi Mom's Speech Writer by DollyLongstaff
    8/17/2016 7:35 pm
    2 957
    And The Wall Comes A Tumbulin' Down by DollyLongstaff
    8/20/2016 8:42 pm
    3 947
    3 1,109
    Dr. Jane Orient, Hillary's Health by DollyLongstaff
    8/18/2016 6:53 am
    3 950
    8/19/2016 8:12 am
    by DollyLongstaff
    Manafort Gets Demoted: Could This Be The Reason? by DollyLongstaff
    8/17/2016 8:24 am
    0 367
    8/17/2016 8:24 am
    by DollyLongstaff
    Breitbart Poll Finds Hillary Ahead by DollyLongstaff
    8/16/2016 9:16 am
    2 862
    8/16/2016 10:58 am
    by DollyLongstaff
    Trump Gives Up On Utah, Shuts Down NJ Headquarters by DollyLongstaff
    8/11/2016 8:06 pm
    4 1,071
    8/12/2016 8:10 pm
    by NESunrise
    Trump Rescued 200 Stranded Marines by DollyLongstaff
    8/11/2016 7:59 am
    6 1,533

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